Welcome 2009

Happy New Year
Nico and I finished 2008 in a grand way, with a visit from our friends from the frigid lands to the North, known as Missouri. We had a great time with them here and got to do so much hiking with them.
Thursday -Christmas Morning, Nico and I relaxed around the tree and opened gifts. Then we were off to the Airport to pick up Mike and Mara. We spent the evening making deranged Christmas cookies and ate a nice Christmas dinner.
Friday we watched Three Sheets and drank along with Zane.On Saturday we hiked Waterfall Trail and Black Rock Trail in the White Tank Mountains.Sunday we ventured out again to hike Thunderbird mountain and Lookout mountain trails, We had a great lunch at Four Peaks Brewery along with dinner at Raul and Theresa's Mexican restaurant.
Monday we hung out with Mara's aunt Heather and family. On Wednesday - New Years Eve, we all went on a very long drive up to Cave Creek Trail and went a on a 4 mile hike in a small canyon along the creek. Thursday morning after only 4 hrs of sleep we were back at the airport to see Mike and Mara off, back to the freezer box that they had come from.